Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
The pupil premium grant is a sum of money given to schools each year by the government to support disadvantaged children and to improve their attainment and outcomes at the end of Key Stage 2.
The grant is based on the number of children in the school whose parents / carers have completed the forms linked below and who qualify for government support (such as Universal Credit) based on home income. Nationally, disadvantaged pupils underperform in comparison to those children who do not grow up in economic disadvantage. Funding is therefore allocated to this vulnerable group of pupils in order to diminish the difference between outcomes achieved by disadvantaged children and those of their peers.
Schools will only receive funding once parents/carers have successfully applied online - it is not automatic. Whilst all children in London will be given Free School Meals this year, children who qualify for the grant may also be eligible for holiday camps, activity days and food vouchers. We send out regular emails to inform parents / carers of these events and opportunities.
To check eligibility:
To apply for Pupil Premium Grant:
To find more information on the Havering Holiday Activities and Food Programme: