Google Classroom
At Squirrels Heath, we are so lucky because every class has access to their own Ipads or chromebooks! This means we can use Google Classroom in class to help with our lessons.
When you join the school, you get your own address which you can use to log in. Once you are online, you can use Google Classroom to look at your teacher’s boards, to see lots of helpful worksheets and information and to find safe websites to use when you research different topics online.
We even use it to put up questions and pictures on Google Classroom to save wasting paper whenever we can! It means that you can also go back over old lessons, because they will stay on there all year. If you have any work due, it will appear on the left hand side of your screen. If you want to look back on tasks that are finished, you can click on classwork and scroll down until you find your task.
One of our favourite thing about Google Classroom is that you can post on the stream for anyone in your class to see – some children send messages to their class, or tell them about a special event in their life. You can choose to post a statement, or just reply to something your friend has posted. Some children do extra learning at home and show others what they have done; we love to celebrate each other’s success! We are always kind and positive when we make posts. Anyone who makes an unkind comment will be muted, and we want everyone to feel included.
You may have more than one classroom as well – each class has their own classroom, and each year group has their own online book club. We may even have other classrooms sometimes if you are a member of a particular club or group.
We use Google Classroom for homework as well, and each week your teacher will post 3 tasks – a piece of English, a piece of Maths and your spellings to learn. You must do your homework at home and submit it online by taking a photo of your work and uploading it. Your teacher will check it for you and give you feedback…if you work really hard on it, you might even get a housepoint or a core value tick!
Google Classroom is a great way for you to speak with your teacher as well. When you get a task, either in school or for homework, you can either send a public message underneath the “Class Comments” section – everyone can see what you type here. If you only want your teacher to read the comment, just type where it says to “Send a message to your teacher.” An adult in school will get back to you!
If you need help logging Google Classroom please click on the link/docs/Google_Classroom_login_help_.pdf
If you need some extra help to learn how to upload your work to an assignment / lesson please click on the link/docs/How_to_upload_work_to_an_assignment_on_Google_Classroom.pdf